Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Snapshot of today...

I'm sitting here on my couch. It's later than I would like to be up. I decided this morning not to sleep in past 9:30 all the time. It feels like my day just slips away when I'm not up early. So this is not a good start to the wonderful attempt I'm going to make of that tomorow morning. But I feel like writing. Maybe I'll give you a snapshot of a part of my day. I exited the apartments next door after spending a couple hours organizing pricing an apartment of stuff we are going to sell to raise money for new playground equipment. "Adina!... Adina!... " says Majok, who seems to think this is my name even though he hears all the other kids say 'Dana' all the time. I wave and say hi and walk into the tennis/basketball court and all of a sudden I have 5 little African children climbing all over me asking me to come out and play, telling me about this and that, giving me big hugs and asking me to pick them up. I hang out for a bit and run upstairs to get them a few balls to play with outside. Then I watch them as they so proudly play their version of tennis/volleyball they have just made up. I tell little Nyjema that she is doing good and she beams. Then I tell Majok that he is responsible for the balls in the park and after they are sone he needs to bring them to the apartment. He looks proud that he has this grand responsibilty and after we shake on our deal (because what is an agreement without a trustworthy shake) that he will bring me the balls after they are done I head inside for a bit. Maybe twenty minutes later there is a knock at the door. Only to find about 6 kids bringing back the balls and coming for a visit. We all have freezies and Erica and I try to tell them that we need to stay in the living room as they are curious about every room in our apartment and everything we seem to house in those rooms. Finally we are done the freezies and are all back in the living room. They decide to go play outside, they grab a licorice at the door and then head outside where they will continue to play into the evening... There's a little snapshot. There's no story, or lesson, or anything deep about this little snapshot. It simply just is.


Blogger Erica said...

HULLO baby steps! I love you Fernie!

1:09 AM  
Blogger Amy Smith said...

I loved the snapshot.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Erica R said...

Why did that just make tears come to my eyes? ... Your little friends sound absolutely lovely and you and Erica are building into them through your licorice and laughter and time....

Thank you for being thier blessing!

Just a side note - I think you are wonderful!

5:09 PM  

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